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ACCP Free Continuing Education

Posted about 1 year ago by Joseph May

Our physician partners have two educational events coming up that nurses and our board may be interested in attending:
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
7:30 pm, eastern timeĀ 
Speaker, Issac McBeth
Correctional Expert Witness Fundamentals
1. Explain why expert witness efforts are clinically relevant for correctional physicians and other health professionals.
2. Define how your current and future role in correctional medicine may qualify you for this challenging work.
3. Understand what the legal experts in corrections seek in a good expert witness.
4. Acquire information about first steps in pursuing expert witness work.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
7:30 Eastern Time
Michael Adu-Tutu, DDS, MBA, CCHP-A
Managing Dental Emergencies in Correctional Settings
1. Acquire skills for effective, time saving, and comprehensive dental emergency assessment.
2. Effectively communicate triage findings to off-site dental staff.
3. Provide appropriate dental emergency care.
4. Make appropriate and informed dental emergency referrals.
* These two presentations are free