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The American Academy of Correctional Physicians is proud to announce their Correctional Medicine Grand Rounds featuring Sharen Barboza, PhD, CCHP-MH, CiWPP.

Posted 3 months ago by Sue Smith in Webinar


We are very pleased to announce that the February, 2024 Correctional Medicine Grand Rounds will feature Sharen Barboza, PhD, CCHP-MH, CiWPP.


Dr. Barboza is an internationally recognized expert in correctional mental health.  She is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York and Florida with over 20 years of experience.  She monitors and consults regarding the care of mentally ill incarcerated individuals.  Her expertise includes mental health services/program, crisis management, quality improvement, self-injury reduction, and trauma-informed care.  She has published on suicide, self-injury, dementia, and treatment outcomes with individuals in restricted housing.  Dr. Barboza holds a master’s degree in Experimental Psychology from Tufts University, a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and is certified in Wholebeing Positive Psychology.  She lives in upstate NY with her partner, Kevin and their rescue dog, Hank.



Here are the details of her upcoming Grand Rounds session, which will be held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 7:30 PM Eastern time.


Supporting Behavior Change with Patients who Self-injure

Sharen Barboza, Ph.D.


Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the basics of self-harm behaviors in the correctional setting.
  2. Examine how self-harm behavior is supported by triggers and rewards.
  3. Explore your personal style and approach to clinical interactions.
  4. Describe practical strategies for supporting individuals in appreciating the need to taking     step taking steps towards positive change.


Going forward, Grand Rounds will be held on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30PM Eastern time. A schedule for the next sessions will follow in the near term.



We hope you can attend this session of Correctional Medicine Grand Rounds. Dr. Barboza is an informative, practical, and engaging speaker. The Grand Rounds session will be one hour in duration and will include ample time for questions, discussion, and networking. 

This Grand Rounds is free to all attendees. We encourage you to invite your friends and colleagues to attend this session, which will inform us on practical measures we can take to help our self-injurious patients.  


Here is the LINK to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 854 3401 5668
Passcode: 448697



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